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NYCU Institute of Biomedical Engineering


【Scholarship】NYCU International Students Scholarships for the 2025 Spring semester application (till 12:00 noon, September 15th, 2024)
NYCU International Students Scholarships for the 2025 Spring semester (award period March 2025 – February 2026) are now OPEN for APPLICATION!

1.     Eligibility:
For students whose NYCU Scholarship award duration ends in February 2025.
The following situations are not eligible for the NYCU scholarship:
(1)    Students currently receiving government-funded scholarships. For example, current NYCU scholarship recipients whose award duration includes the 2025 Spring semester, Taiwan Scholarships, ESP Scholarship, UST Scholarship, TIGP Scholarship, NSNT Scholarship, ICDF Scholarship, NYCU Elite Ph.D., a scholarship sponsored by the government of your home country…. etc.). 
(2)    Students holding a working VISA/ARC.
2.    NYCU Scholarship Regulation (Latest version):
Please read the regulation carefully before applying for the NYCU scholarship.
3.    NYCU International Student Scholarship Application System Link 
4.    Application Duration: till 12:00 noon, September 15, 2024 (GMT+8)
We only accept the online application and please upload PDF files to the system.
Make sure to SUBMIT your application before the deadline. 
Late submissions will not be considered!
Please check the system and your mail regularly to confirm your application status.
If you are requested to resubmit any document, the email notice will be sent out from the system.
5.    Type of Award
(1)  Scholarship for the student award
(2)  Tuition charged as local students (for students exceeding maximum award period)
Requirement for Academic Performance(Overall GPA): 
Undergraduate: 3.0 (score by grade point)
Graduate: 3.5 (score by grade point)
6.    Required Documents for Application (Please upload PDF files only)
Required for all applicants
Applicant's signature is required.
NYCU full official transcript
Required for all applicants
A full official transcript (Grade, no class ranking), including the 2024 Spring semester grades (112-2 semester).
Conduct Grades
Required for all applicants
Applicants from Chiaotung Campus:
Please email to Ms. Tsai (
Remember to mention your name and student ID number.
Ms. Tsai will provide your conduct grade pdf file.
Applicants from Yangming Campus:
Please log in to your NYCU portal.
Please find the “YM Campus”->"Life at Yangming Campus"->
Office of Student Affairs->學生活動紀錄表
Download the record of your conduct grades then upload the file to the scholarship application system.
Recommendation Letter from the advisor
Required for all applicants
The advisor/referee will receive a notification mail from the “International Student Scholarship Application System” for submitting the recommendation letter.
Research Report
Required for post-graduate students who are not taking courses or exceeding the maximum award period
1-2 page (12pt, single-spaced)
Signatures of the applicant and advisor are required.
The Chinese language waived certificate
Optional document
You can submit one of the following documents:
Certificate of Chinese Proficiency Test issued by NYCU Chinese Language Center.
Chinese courses waived certificate issued by NYCU Chinese Language Center.
TOCFL certificate (Level 2 or higher)
Supplementary materials
Optional document
You can upload the documents which may be helpful for your application.
For example, a volunteer services certificate. (Template can be downloaded from the system if needed.)
7.    Recommendation Letter (Submit deadline – September 18, 2024, at 23:59):
(1)    Please remember to inform the advisor/referee first.
(2)    Fill out the Recommender Info section on the system.
(3)    The notification will be sent to the advisor/referee from the system.
There are 2 ways to submit the recommendation letter:
The advisor/referee will receive a notification mail from the “International Student Scholarship Application System” for submitting the recommendation letter. The advisor/referee can choose one of the following ways:
Fill out the letter on the system
Upload the scanned letter to the system 
* You can submit the application before the recommendation letter is completed. *
8.    Important Notes
(1)    The scholarship result will be announced by email to applicants in late December 2024.
(2)    OIA will review your documents after your submission and will notify applicants if their application is incomplete. You are not able to revise your application after submission. Your application won’t be considered if your application is incomplete.
(3)    Meeting the minimum grade requirement listed in scholarship regulation is one of the requirements to be eligible to apply for the scholarship. However, it doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed to get a scholarship award. All scholarship award allocation is subject to the annual budget condition, the number of applicants and so on. All qualified applications will be reviewed by the committees of departments /colleges/ the university. OIA has no right to change the award. 
(4)    Match-funding Policy for Graduate Program Students.
Match-funding from the research advisor, department/institute, or college is compulsory for the post-graduate student scholarship award. This policy applies to the current student award applications in principle.
(5)    The requirement for Chinese Courses for NYCU scholarship recipients
NYCU scholarship applicants and recipients need to take Chinese courses (see scholarship regulation Article 5 Item 2). 
Exemption for Chinese courses:
Students who have taken Chinese language courses before enrolling at NYCU. Please submit your Chinese Language certificate (TOCFL Level 2 or higher) or other official documents for exemption. 
The pass certificate of the placement at NCYU Chinese Language Center. 
Some departments may require more Chinese courses for graduation requirements. Please check the graduation requirements carefully for your department.
Contact Information:
Chiaotung Campus: Ms. Jessica, Email:
Yangming Campus: Ms. Trudy Wu, Email:
  • Update Date:2024-08-05
  • Units:Institute of Biomedical Engineering