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NYCU Institute of Biomedical Engineering

Graduation Information

NCTU IBE Application for Master’s Degree Oral Examination Check List

2 months
Oral Defense
  • Sign and submit the Oral Defense Survey (Form 1) to the office of the BME(EF364).
※ Please submit the Survey 6 weeks before the day of the Oral Defense.
2 weeks

Oral Defense
  • Submit the following documents 2 weeks before the Oral Defense date:
  1. The Thesis Validation Statement for Oral Defense Committee Members (Required) (Form 2)
  2.  An English version of the Thesis Validation Statement (Optional) (Form 3)
  3. The Oral Defense Evaluation Form (provide a copy for each committee member). On the Form, please type your department/institute, name, thesis title in Chinese and English, and date of Oral Defense. (Required) (Form 4)
  4. The Scoring Datasheet for the Degree Examination. (Form 5)
  • E-mail the thesis draft to Ms. Chang (Mail : .) 
        In the subject line of the e-mail, write “Thesis draft – student number – name – date of the Oral Defense”
  • Send a hard copy of the thesis draft to each of the committee members. (After e-mailing the thesis draft to the office assistant, you will receive the letter of appointment and parking permit for the committee members, which should be included with the thesis draft.)
Day of
Oral Defense
  • Please check that the projector is in working condition.
  • Please prepare snacks and drinks.
  • Obtain the following information from the office assistant.
  1. Folder for Oral Defense Committee Members (one for each committee member and the thesis advisor)
  2. Oral Defense Evaluation Form (one for each committee member and the thesis advisor)
  3. Thesis Validation Statement, which is a single copy placed in the folder of the Committee Convener. After the oral defense, the statement should be signed by all the committee members and the thesis advisor.
  4. Receipt for committee members for Oral Defense examination fee (please obtain the signature from the committee members).
  5. Oral Exam Fee, Transportation Fee and Parking Permit.
  • After the Oral Defense, please return items 1 through 4 to the office assistant.
Passing the
Oral Defense
  • After the examination, the thesis should be revised based on the suggestions of the members of the committee. The revised thesis should be certified by your thesis advisor and checked to ascertain that its format satisfies the specifications of a standard thesis with no typographical errors. After revision, the final version of the thesis can be stapled and assembled. The cover page of the thesis should be light yellow, non-glossy paper. (If passing the oral defense berfore 7/31, the cover page of the thesis should be  light green; if passing the oral defense after 8/1, the cover page of the thesis should be  light yellow.)
  • Before making copies of the thesis, please obtain a Thesis Validation Statement signed by the Director of the Institute from the office.
  • Two copies of the master’s thesis should be delivered to the office assistant. A bound copy should be provided to each committee member and the thesis advisor.
  • Online submission (electronic version) of the abstract:
  1. Login with your library account and password:
  2. Carefully check that all information is accurate when submitting your file.
  3. After submission, an automated email will be sent to the office assistant for a preliminary review, followed by a secondary review by the library.
  4. After the secondary review is completed, a notification will be sent to you by email.
  • The composition and format of the thesis should comply with the “NCTU Format for Thesis/Dissertation”. Theses that do not comply with the Format will be rejected by the Institute.
  • Publish Date:2024-11-28
  • Update Date:2024-11-30
  • Units:Institute of Biomedical Engineering